Montag, 17. Mai 2010

"Le 5" privat Party

At mothersday (May 9th), we went to a Japaneese Restaurant. There we met a Japanese guy called Müller and a Belgium guy called Bauer. Müllers wife is from Russia and her name is Olga (how original!!). They, all being very drunk after a liter of wodka and more, invited us for next week to a garden opening in the newly opened Restaurand/Bar/Launch "Le 5".
I had a bad cough, my throat was hurting, my head hammering and I was very tired, BUT: Angela wont miss a party, even if it is just for an hour. So suggested from me to Manni...On the corniche, we discovered, that the Resto is an ex-house of parents from School and Alina has been there on the day, Jacob was born. Now, it is a very cool place to have dinner and a good dance!! We soon found out, it is a privat party and "sadly" everything was for free...
We soon met a Mehdi (above, smoking with Manni, who thought, that HE brought a very big cigar...), who recognised us from a party at (actually) OUR place. No clue who he was, but he was fun (and importing Austiran good - that's why...).

The setting was expansive, most of the girls cheap. Great music, beautiful light affects. We were sent away from our good place, as an "important" young (drug dealer..??) arrived and insisted, that he booked that very table. Bother!!

We found a lovely place on the bar, much closer to the champagner and met Olga again. In the mean time, there were fire eaters and - yet again - Gogo Girls   imported from Bulgaria dancing for our pleasure. They did a good job, but again, it was the girls on the tables, who looked and danced much more like that sort of girls, dancing for money (which is most likely the case anyway...).Don't ask me, who that very "blond" lady is next to me. Moroccan, married to an Italian and divorced, now here with a big fat money supplier once more...If you think, Morocco is full of veiled women - you have to go jogging on a Friday afternoon in Bouskoura. Nightlife in Casa is nothing like you would experience at your home country (well, depends, if you were born in the red light district...)

Oh, by the way: my throat was fine, my head just lovely and all the tiredness just gone...

God bless a good party!!

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