We knew, there are up to 600 young people out there at the beach, moroccan music, noise and dance, but we did not know, that we were actually the only non-moroccans invited to that event!! Lots of half covered bodies were dancing with too much covered bodies. The contrast is extreme!! Tight, black leather pants and not much on top to cover the curves, or a big table cloth covering from head to toe, only showing off some nice shoes. But, they all don't seem to mind too much. But again, it is the same in Austria: People in traditional "Dirndl's" would also flip around with the ones in hot pants!! Not much of a difference really.
Manfred was talking with the three biggest share holders of the company, I was only saying yes and no on a regular basis, to predent, I understood everything (which was not possible with that noise).
Later, two Gogo girls entertained the crowd, but personally did not see much of a change between them and lots of the girls working for the company... only they were foreign and more expansive... Manfred enjoyed himself, as you can see on the picture with Olivier.
I was rather glad to leave the place, as I was tempted to dance, but did not really feel as one of them.
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