Freitag, 4. Juni 2010

home late

After a very  nice day at the beach, missing the graduation of Jacob and a German lesson for Aina and Elias, I went to the first swimming lesson with Jacob, which was a full success!!!

I went home, through myself into more thant shorts and a t-shirt and went to a school party, hosted by lovely Leila!!! We were about 100 people (teachers and active parents) to start with and at the end it was only me with two little kids. Leila made us eggs and Pastilla in the kitchen and I, in return, offered to take her bonne to the next taxi station...

The next taxi station took us a long long way. The bonne kept on saying - encore, encore and I ended up in the middle of the city with three kids, one still to be taken home, as it was not mine...

Now, I got rid of extra bonnes and extra kids and am finally back home!!! Not too late at 11 PM!!

Elias, in the meantime, broke his toe and walks happily around in grutches...

Bonne nuit tout le monde!!!!

Tomorrow, I gave up, going to  a verrrrrry cool camping party, to attent to a very sad fare well party....

That hurts my heart!!!!! But, we have to make a choice!!!

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